Boil medium-sized potatoes in their jackets. Cool and then peel. With a teaspoon scoop out a well in the centre, leaving a thin wall of potato. Now trim neatly into shape. Place in a bowl and marinate in French dressing, turning frequently so that each position may be seasoned. Now prepare a filling as follows: One cold boiled beet, cut into tiny dice, One-half cup of cooked peas, One onion, grated, Three tablespoons of finely minced parsley, One-half cup of cold boiled potatoes, cut into tiny dice. Toss the vegetables gently to mix. Season with salt and pepper and reduce four tablespoons of mayonnaise with two tablespoons of vinegar. Fill into the potato cups and place in a nest of crisp lettuce leaves. Garnish with mayonnaise and serve ice cold.


Mash boiled potatoes and then rub through a sieve to remove the lumps. Now add to One quart of prepared potatoes, Three tablespoons of shortening, Two teaspoons of salt, One teaspoon of paprika, Two teaspoons of baking powder, One teaspoon of grated onion, One well-beaten egg, Six tablespoons of milk. Beat thoroughly to mix and then spread in a layer about one inch thick on meat pies. Brush the top with milk and bake in a moderate oven for thirty-five minutes.


Mince fine sufficient bacon to measure four tablespoons after chopping. Place in a frying pan and add two grated onions; brown gently and then add Two cups of mashed potatoes, One teaspoon of salt, One-half teaspoon of pepper. Mix thoroughly and then mold into croquettes. Roll in flour and then dip in beaten egg and roll in fine crumbs. Fry until golden brown in hot fat.


Cook three large potatoes and then peel and mash fine. Measure and place two cups of mashed potatoes in a mixing bowl and add Two cups of flour, One teaspoon of salt, Four teaspoons of baking powder, One egg, Four tablespoons of milk. Mix to a smooth dough and then roll out one-half inch thick and cut and brush the tops with milk. Bake in a hot oven for eighteen minutes.


Select medium-sized potatoes and bake. When ready to serve, split open. Place a piece of butter in each potato and dust with paprika. Use canned asparagus for the salad.


Pare and slice sufficient onions to measure one cupful. Parboil and then drain. Now place four tablespoons of fat in a frying pan and add the onions and one and a half cups of mashed potatoes. Turn constantly until well blended and then form into an omelet shape in a pan, and turn on a warm platter and serve with cream sauce.


Pare and then cut in thin slices five potatoes that have been boiled in their jackets. Mince sufficient onions, fine, to measure three-quarters of a cup. Chop fine two green peppers. Parboil onions and peppers until tender and then drain well. Now heat three tablespoons of shortening in a frying pan until very hot and then add the potatoes and let brown. Fold over and brown again. Keep turning over until the potatoes are well browned and then add the prepared onions and peppers. Cook slowly for five minutes and then turn on a hot platter and garnish with finely chopped parsley.


Cut large cold boiled potatoes into cubes as for French fried potatoes and dust lightly with flour and brown quickly in hot fat. This method prevents the potato from being soggy in the centre.


One-half cup of finely chopped onions, One quart of thinly sliced cold-boiled potatoes. Mix and then place one-half cup of shortening in a frying pan and when hot, add the potatoes. Cook slowly until well browned.


Prepare one quart of thinly sliced cold boiled potatoes and then add Two cups of lettuce, shredded very fine, Three medium-sized onions, chopped fine, Two green peppers, chopped fine, Five tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, Two teaspoons of salt, One-half teaspoon of white pepper. Cover with Three-quarters cup of mayonnaise dressing, One-quarter cup of vinegar. Toss gently to mix. Now chill a baking pan by placing on ice. Make two quarts of lemon gelatine. Pour some gelatine in the pan and turn it so as to make one-half-inch coating of gelatine all over the pan. Now spread on the potato salad in an even layer. Pour over the salad a little gelatin every few minutes to fill the crevices and cover the top. Set aside to mould and then when ready to serve, dip the pan in warm water for a few minutes and then unmould on a pastry board. Cut into squares and place in a nest of crisp lettuce leaves and garnish with a teaspoon of mayonnaise dressing.


Place in an iron frying pan Three-quarters cup of honey, Two tablespoons of shortening, One-quarter teaspoon of mace, One-quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. Bring to a boil and cook until it becomes thick, then add six boiled sweet potatoes. Turn them frequently in syrup, adding four tablespoons of water to prevent burning. Cook slowly for twenty minutes.


Peel cold boiled potatoes and then cut in one-quarter-inch dice. Dust well with flour and then place four tablespoons of shortening in a frying pan and when smoking hot add the potatoes. Toss gently until nicely browned and add the seasoning.


Mince fine sufficient salt pork to measure one-half cup. Place in a frying pan and add three-quarters cup of chopped green onions. Cook slowly until tender, and then add one quart of mashed potatoes, well seasoned. Mix well and then turn into a bowl. Cool, and then form into cakes and roll in flour, and brown in hot pork fat. Serve with well-seasoned cream gravy.


Wash and pare large old potatoes and then cut into thin slices, cutting the full width of the potato. This means that you are to cut a thin slice of raw potato that will cover your hand. Place on a shallow baking dish and brush with shortening. Place in the broiler and broil until nicely browned, then place in the oven for five minutes.


Pare and cut the potatoes as for French frying and then cook in hot fat until golden brown.


Wash and cook the potatoes in their skins until tender and then drain and peel. Now place in a frying pan Three-quarters cup of syrup, Piece of butter size of a walnut, One-half teaspoon of cinnamon, One-quarter teaspoon of nutmeg. Bring to a boil and then add the potatoes and then let them marinate in the syrup, turning frequently for twenty minutes. Keep the pan where the potatoes will cook slowly, adding four tablespoons of boiling water.


Cook the potatoes in their skins and then cool and remove the skins. Now place in heavy iron frying pan One and one-half cups of syrup, One-half teaspoon of cinnamon, One-half teaspoon of nutmeg. Bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Add the sweet potatoes and baste continually with the syrup, allowing them to simmer slowly for twenty minutes. Do not cut or slice the potatoes.


Pare cold, boiled potatoes and then cut in thin slices. Dip in bacon fat and broil in a broiler until golden brown.


To cook potatoes, either in jackets or pared: Cover with boiling water, cook until tender. Season; now cover closely with clean cloth to absorb moisture and the potato will be mealy.


Select large, well-shaped potatoes, and wax and grease thoroughly with shortening and place in the oven or broiler to bake. When done, cut a slice from the top and scoop out the contents of the baked potatoes into a bowl. Mash the potatoes and add a little milk, salt and pepper to taste and one tablespoon of butter to each potato. Beat until they are very light and fluffy and then fill back into the potatoes, piling up high. Place a strip of bacon on top of the prepared potatoes and place in a hot oven to brown the bacon. Dust with paprika and serve.


Take one-quarter pound of goose-oil, stir it to a cream, and stir in gradually the yolks of ten eggs and three-quarters of a pound of sifted sugar, the grated peel of a lemon, also its juice and one-half teaspoon of salt. Add last one-half pound of potato flour and the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Have the pudding form well greased before putting in the mixture. Bake in a moderate oven. Serve with raspberry sauce, made of jelly. Take a glass of red raspberries, press them through a hair sieve, add a wineglass of red wine, add sugar to taste, and let it boil hard for about five minutes.

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Separate the whites and yolks of nine eggs. Beat the whites of seven eggs very stiff. To the well-beaten yolks of nine eggs and the whites of two, add one and three-quarter cups of sugar and juice and rind of one lemon. Beat thoroughly, add one scant cup of potato flour, and beat again. Now fold in the beaten whites very carefully, and bake slowly in a moderate oven. Bake forty to fifty minutes. Nice for invalids.

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Stir the yolks of eight eggs with a cup of sugar, add four tablespoons of blanched and pounded almonds, and grate in the peel of a lemon. Add also its juice. Have ready half a pound of grated potatoes which have been cooked the day previous. Last add the stiffly-beaten whites. Add one teaspoon of salt. Grease your pudding form well, pour in the mixture and bake. Set in a pan of boiling water in the oven. The water in the pan must not reach higher than half way up the pudding form. Time required, half an hour. When done turn out on a platter. Serve with a wine or chocolate sauce. You may bake this pudding in an iron pudding form without setting it in the boiling water.

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Mix one-half pound of plain mashed potatoes smoothly with a generous teaspoon of finely chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste; beat one egg, add it to the potato, mix well and make it into little balls the size of a cherry. Lay a tiny sprig of parsley on each, arrange the balls on a greased tin and bake till a light brown.

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Peel and cook seven or eight large potatoes, place in a bowl, add salt, four whole eggs, one and one-half tablespoons of melted chicken fat and a little more than a cup of matzoth meal. Knead in bowl to smooth consistency. Take a handful at a time, pat smooth and flat, in the centre put a tablespoon of prune jam, form into a dumpling, place dumplings in boiling salt water, kettle half covered and allow to cook twelve to fifteen minutes. Take out with strainer and serve hot. Have ready a cup of hot melted chicken fat and sugar and cinnamon. Serve over knoedel to taste.

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Take three eggs, beat until a light yellow and add one-half cup of potato flour and one-half cup of water, beat well. Heat a frying-pan, grease well and pour in the batter; fry in thin leaves or wafers. Cool, cut thin as noodles. Just before serving soup, strain, then let it come to a boil and add noodles and let soup again come to a boil and serve.

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Measure one cup of mashed, boiled sweet potatoes. Thin with one pint of sweet milk. Beat three whole eggs very light with one-half cup of sugar. Mix with sweet potatoes. Season with one-quarter of a nutmeg grated, one teaspoon of cinnamon, and one-half teaspoon of lemon extract. Line pie-plate with crust, fill with mixture, and bake in quick oven.

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Cream two-thirds cup of butter with two cups of granulated sugar; add one-half cup of milk, yolks of four eggs, one cup of hot mashed potatoes, one cup of chocolate, one teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, one teaspoon of vanilla, one cup of chopped walnuts, two cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking-powder, then beaten whites of four eggs. Bake slowly in two pans, and cut in half when cold. Put jam between layers.

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Made just as pancakes, only baked in the oven in a long cake pan with plenty of butter or drippings under and above.

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Peel six large potatoes and soak several hours in cold water; grate, drain, and for every pint allow two eggs, about one tablespoon of flour, one-half teaspoon of salt, a little pepper; a little onion juice may be added if so desired. Beat eggs well and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Drop by spoonfuls on a hot greased spider in small cakes. Turn and brown on both sides. Serve with apple sauce. When eggs are very expensive the cakes can be made with one egg. When required for a meat meal, the pancakes may be fried in drippings; the edges will be much more crisp than when fried in butter, which burns so readily.

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Cook one quart of potatoes diced, in boiling water until tender. Strain, reserving potato water. Measure and add enough more water to make three cups. Let come to a boil, add one-quarter cup of salt, and very gradually one and one-quarter cups of cornmeal. Cook two minutes, stirring constantly until thick. Remove from fire, add two tablespoons of any kind of fat, the potatoes riced or mashed and when cooled two cups of flour; then one tablespoon of sugar and one cake of yeast dissolved in one cup of lukewarm water. Mix and knead to a stiff dough adding wheat flour to keep it from sticking. Cover, set aside in a warm place overnight, or until double its bulk. Shape into four loaves, let rise again; bake in a moderate oven one hour or more, until well done. Glaze with egg diluted with water before putting in the oven. These loaves will keep moist one week.

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Add one medium-sized mashed boiled potato to any of the foregoing recipes. This will give a more moist bread, which retains its freshness longer.

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Take one quart of grated, raw sweet potatoes, one tablespoon leach of meat fat and chicken fat, one half pound of brown sugar, one-half pint of molasses, one and one-half pints of cold water, one saltspoon of salt and a little black pepper, grated orange peel, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon to taste. Pour into greased baking-pan and bake until it jellies. Bake in moderate oven. May be eaten as a dessert, warm or cold.

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Peel and grate five or six large potatoes and one onion. Soak some bread and two or three crackers. Press out the water and add to the potatoes and onion, salt to taste. Add two tablespoons of boiling fat and one beaten egg. Have plenty of hot fat in pan, put in the pudding, pour over it one cup of cold water. Bake in hot oven one hour. Two slices of white bread, one inch thick, will be sufficient bread for this schalet.

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Stir the yolks of four eggs with one-half cup of sugar, add one-half cup of blanched and pounded almonds; grate in the peel, also the juice of one lemon, one-half pound of grated potatoes that have been boiled the day before. Lastly add the stiffly beaten whites, some salt and more potatoes, if necessary. Grease your pudding-pan well, pour in the mixture and bake. Set in a pan of water in oven; water in pan must not reach higher than one-half way up the pudding-form. Bake one-half hour. Turn out on platter and serve with a wine, chocolate, or lemon sauce. One can bake in an iron pudding-form without the water.

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Boil about eight potatoes in their jackets and when peeled lay them on a platter overnight. When ready to use them next day, grate, add two eggs, salt, a little nutmeg if desired, one wine-glass of farina, a tablespoon of chicken fat, one scant cup of flour gradually, and if not dry enough add more flour, but be sure not to make the mixture too stiff as this makes the balls heavy. Place balls in salted boiling water, cook until light and thoroughly done, serve just, as they are or fried in chicken fat until brown. The dumplings may be made of the same mixture and in the centre of each dumpling place stripes of bread one inch long and one-fourth inch thick which have been fried in chicken fat and onions. Flour your hands well and make into dumplings. Put into boiling-salted water, boil about twenty-five minutes. Serve at once with chopped onions browned, or browned bread crumbs and chicken fat.

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Boil seven or eight potatoes, peel and let them stand several hours to dry; then grate them and add two eggs, salt and enough flour to make a dough thick enough to roll. Roll into long, round noodles as thick as two pencils and cut to length of baking-pan. Butter pan and lay noodles next to each other; cover with milk and lumps of butter and bake fifteen minutes, till yellow; serve immediately with bread crumbs browned in butter.

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No. 3 Put into a bowl two tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of sugar, one teaspoon of salt, some pepper and one tablespoon of vinegar and mix all together. Cut into this in slices six hot potatoes. Then cut into small pieces two small onions, a little garlic, some parsley, six stuffed olives, three hearts of celery (or the end of it), six radishes, three slices of red beets and two hard-boiled eggs. Add this to the gravy in the bowl, mix well, and season to taste. Put all into a glass dish and pour over this a prepared mayonnaise dressing. Decorate with parsley, olives (whole), some lettuce and put in the centre some celery leaves.

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No. 2 Boil one quart of small potatoes, Bermuda potatoes are best. Do not peel them, just wash and scrub the potatoes thoroughly in cold water. Put them in a kettle with enough cold water, slightly salted, just to cover them; stand them over a brisk fire with the kettle covered until the water begins to boil; then turn down the heat, lift the cover of the kettle slightly and let the potatoes cook slowly till done. Drain off the water and stand the potatoes where they will get cold. But do not put them in a refrigerator. When quite cold, peel the potatoes and slice them very thin in a salad bowl. To every two layers of potato slices sprinkle over a very light layer of white onions sliced very thin. Texas onions are particularly fine for this purpose. When the salad bowl is well filled pour over the salad a French dressing made of equal parts of oil and vinegar; let the vinegar be part tarragon; use a palatable amount of salt and pepper. When ready to serve, cover the surface of the salad with a stiff mayonnai

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No. 1 Boil ten potatoes (small, round ones preferred) in their skins. When done, peel them while, still hot and slice in thin, round slices. Spread over the potatoes one onion, sliced fine, and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper, add one tablespoon of mustard seed, one-half tablespoon of celery seed, and one-half tablespoon of sugar. Beat one egg until light, pour two tablespoons of goose or chicken fat, melted, over the eggs, stir well, add one-half cup of vinegar, pour over the seasoned potatoes: then add one-quarter cup of hot water and if necessary, add a little more vinegar, salt or pepper. One or two chopped hard-boiled eggs added improves the salad. Line a salad bowl with lettuce leaves, pour in the salad and decorate the top with grated hard-boiled eggs. Melted butter may be used if for a milk meal or heated olive oil for a parve salad in place of the melted fat.

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Boil sweet potatoes, peel and cut into long slices; place in an earthen dish; place lumps of butter or chicken-fat if desired on each side, and sprinkle with sugar. A little water or juice of half a lemon may be added. Bake until the sugar and fat have candied and the potatoes are brown.

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Wash and pare long sweet potatoes. Cook in boiling salted water until almost soft; drain and cut slices crosswise, two inches high. Core, pare and cut apples in one-half inch rounds. Into a spider, place the potatoes upright, with a slice of apple on top of each. Pour over one-half cup of maple syrup, one-fourth cup of water and two tablespoons of butter. Baste frequently until apples are soft. Then pour one teaspoon of rum over each section, place a candied cherry in the center of each apple and bake ten minutes. Remove to platter and if desired, pour more rum over and around. Light the liquor and bring to the table burning.

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Pare, cut lengthwise, salt and put them around roast meats or poultry of any kind. Roast about three-quarters of an hour, or until brown.

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These are commonly called "baked" sweet potatoes. Select those of uniform size; wash, and roast in the oven until done, which you can easily tell by pressing the potatoes. If done they will leave an impression when touched. It usually requires three-quarters of an hour. Serve in their "jackets."

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Wash and cut small uncooked sweet potatoes into quarters; dry them and lower them into boiling hot fat. Brown thoroughly; remove with a skimmer; drain and dry on paper; sprinkle with salt and serve.

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Boil, peel and cut lengthwise into slices a quarter of an inch thick. Fry in sweet drippings or butter (cold boiled potatoes may also be fried in this way).

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Put on in boiling water, without any salt, and boil until a fork will easily pierce the largest. Drain off the water and dry.

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Take large potatoes, parboil without peeling, cut a small piece of one end of the potato and scoop out the inside. Mince two ounces cooked mutton, season with pepper and salt, mix with the potato pulp and a little gravy. Return end of potato to its place and bake for about twenty minutes with a little fat on top of each potato.

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Take two cups of cold mashed potatoes and stir into them one tablespoon of melted butter, beating to a white cream before adding anything else. Then put with this two eggs beaten extremely light, one cup of cream, and salt to taste. Beat all well and pour into a deep dish, and bake in a quick oven until it is nice and brown. If properly mixed, it will come out of the oven light, puffy, and delectable.

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Wash, pare and cut potatoes in one-third inch pieces, there should be three cups; parboil three minutes, and drain. Add one-third cup of butter, and cook on back of range until potatoes are soft and slightly browned. Melt two tablespoons of butter, add a few drops of onion juice, two tablespoons of flour, and pour on gradually one cup of hot milk, season with salt and paprika, then add one well-beaten egg yolk. Pour sauce over potatoes and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

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Pare, wash and boil potatoes until soft enough to mash well. Drain off nearly all the water, leaving just a little; add one teaspoon of salt and return to the stove. It is better to boil the potatoes in salt water and add more salt if necessary after mashing. Sift one-half cup of flour into the potatoes after returning to the fire and keep covered closely for about five minutes. Then remove from the stove and mash them as hard as you can, so as not to have any lumps. They must be of the consistency of dough and smooth as velvet. Now put about two tablespoons of drippings or goose-fat in a spider, chop up some onions very fine and heat them until they become a light-brown, take a tablespoon and dip it in the hot fat and then cut a spoonful of the potato dough with the same spoon and put it in the spider, and so on until you have used all. Be careful to dip your spoon in the hot fat every time you cut a puff. Let them brown slightly.

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Take as many potatoes as are needed; when done, cut off one end and take out inside; mash this and mix with it one tablespoon of butter, a sprig of parsley, pepper, salt, and enough milk to make quite soft. Put back in tine potato skins and brown in oven and serve very hot. If so desired the open end of each may be dipped in beaten egg before being put in oven.

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Pare and quarter, and put on to boil. When almost done drain off the water, add one cup of milk, one tablespoon of butter, a little chopped parsley and cook a while longer. Thicken with a little flour (wet with cold water or milk), stir, and take from the fire.

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Put a tablespoon of drippings in a kettle, and when it is hot cut up an onion fine and fry in the hot fat, cover closely. Put in potatoes, which have been previously pared, washed, quartered and well salted. Cover them tight and stew slowly until soft, stirring them occasionally. Then heat in a spider a little drippings. Brown in this a spoon of flour and add some soup-stock, vinegar and chopped parsley. Pour this over the potatoes, boil up once and serve.

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Take small potatoes, pare and wash them very clean, use one onion to about ten potatoes, add goose-oil (in fact any kind of drippings from roast meat will answer) and put them in a pot or spider. When hot cut up an onion very fine and add to the boiling fat. Then add the potatoes. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour some water over all, cover up tight and let them simmer for about 3/4 of an hour.

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Pare and lay in cold water (ice-water is best) for half an hour. Select the largest potatoes, then cut round and round in one continuous curl-like strip (there is also an instrument for this purpose, which costs but a trifle); handle with care and fry a few at a time for fear of entanglement, in deep fat.

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Buy a potato cutter at a first-class hardware store, and with it cut the potatoes to the size of a hickory nut, and then fry or steam them. When cooked they look just like new potatoes. They are especially nice to garnish meats. You may also parboil and brown in fat, or boil and add parsley as you would with new potatoes. The remainder of the raw potatoes may be boiled and mashed or fried into ribbons.

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Heat two tablespoons of fat, add chopped onion and two tablespoons of flour; when flour is brown, add 1-1/2 cups of water, stir and cook until smooth, add salt, brown sugar and a little cinnamon to taste. Quarter four medium-sized cooking pears, but do not peel, cook them in the brown sauce, then add six medium, raw potatoes, pared, and cook until tender.

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Boil medium-sized potatoes in their jackets until tender, peel while hot. Put two tablespoons of butter or fat in spider, when hot add potatoes, brown well all over. Drain, sprinkle with salt and one teaspoon of caraway seeds and serve hot.

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Pare the potatoes and throw them into cold water until needed. Dry them with a towel; cut into small pieces lengthwise of the potato; drop them into hot fat and remove when lightly browned. It is better to fry only a few at a time, letting those done stand in a colander in the oven to keep hot. When all are done, sprinkle with salt and serve at once. For variety; and for use in garnishing, cut the potatoes into balls, using the vegetable cutter which comes for this purpose.

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Butter well a deep baking dish, holding a quart or more. In the bottom place a layer of potatoes, sliced thin, then a layer of corn, using one-half the contents of a can. On this sprinkle a little grated onion and season with salt, pepper and bits of butter. Add another layer of potatoes, then the rest of the corn, seasoning as before, and cover the whole with a layer of cracker crumbs. Dot well with butter, pour on milk until it comes to the top, and bake three-quarters of an hour. Use cooked potatoes, having them cold before slicing.

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Take cold mashed potatoes or cold baked or boiled potatoes that have been mashed and seasoned; roll into balls, dusting the hands well with flour first. Flatten into cakes and saute in butter, or place on a buttered tin with a small piece of butter on the top of each and bake in a hot oven until golden brown.

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Melt two tablespoons of fat in a frying-pan; add one onion chopped fine and cook until straw color. Add two cups of boiled potatoes, cut in dice, one-half cup of stock, and one tablespoon of curry powder. Cook until the stock has been absorbed; then add one-half teaspoon of salt, a dash of red pepper, and one teaspoon of lemon juice.

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Finely hash up six cold boiled potatoes and keep on a plate. Heat one tablespoon of butter in a frying-pan, add a finely chopped onion, and lightly brown for three minutes, then add the potatoes. Season with one-half teaspoon of salt and two saltspoons of white pepper, evenly sprinkled over, then nicely brown them for ten minutes, occasionally tossing them meanwhile. Give them a nice omelet form, brown for eight minutes more, turn on a hot dish, sprinkle a little freshly chopped parsley over and serve. These potatoes may be prepared with fat in place of butter.

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Cut up some raw potatoes quite thin, salt and pepper and drop in boiling fat. Cover up at first to soften them. Turn frequently to prevent burning and then remove the cover to brown slightly.

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Slice two cups of cold boiled potatoes and add them to two cups of hot cream sauce. Bring all to a boil; remove and add three tablespoons of grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Pour all into a baking dish, sprinkle buttered bread crumbs over the top and set in the oven to brown.

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Make a cream sauce, a little thinner than usual by adding a little extra milk. Cut two cups of boiled potatoes into small cubes and mix them thoroughly with the same. Cook in a double boiler until the potatoes are thoroughly hot, add a little chopped parsley if desired, and serve.

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Take either sweet or Irish potatoes, or both; pare, wash, and salt them, and lay them around the meat, and let them roast for about three-quarters of an hour. Turn them about once, so they will be nicely browned.

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No. 2 Cut two cups of cold potatoes into cubes; mix well with two cups of cream sauce, adding more seasoning if necessary; pour into a baking dish; cover with one cup of bread crumbs and dot with small pieces of butter and bake for about half an hour.

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No. 1 Grease a pan with butter. Choose the potatoes that are so big or misshapen you wouldn't want to use them for boiling or baking. Cut them in thin slices. Spread them in the pan in a layer an inch thick. Sprinkle with pepper and salt to taste. Dot with butter here and there, perhaps a half teaspoon for each layer. Four or six bits of butter should be sprinkled over each layer. Repeat the layers of the raw potatoes until the pan is full. Cover them with milk. Place in the oven and cook for one hour.

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Old potatoes may be used. Pare as many potatoes as required. Boil in salt water, drain thoroughly when done and mash them in the pot with a potato masher, working in a large tablespoon of butter and enough milk to make them resemble dough, do not allow any lumps to form in your dish. Garnish with parsley.

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Brush and scrape off all the skin of six potatoes and boil for half an hour in salted boiling water, drain, salt and dry for a few minutes, and then pour melted butter over them and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

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Pare very thin, medium potatoes as near a size as possible. Have ready a pot of boiling water, salted, drop in the potatoes and keep them at a quick boil until tender. Serve with a batter made by beating to a cream two tablespoons of butter, one-half tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of finely minced parsley; add salt and a dash of cayenne pepper; spread over the hot potatoes, and it will melt into a delicious dressing. This is especially nice to serve with fish.

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No. 2 Wash large potatoes and bake in a quick oven until soft, which will take about three-quarters of an hour. This is the most wholesome way of cooking potatoes.

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No. 1 Select fine, smooth potatoes and boil them about twenty minutes. Drain off the water, remove the skins and pack in a buttered dish. Lay a small piece of butter on each potato, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and sprinkle fine bread crumbs over all, with a few tablespoons of cream. Bake until a nice light brown. Serve in the same dish. Garnish with parsley.

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Peel six or eight potatoes, and put them on in boiling water to which has been added one teaspoon of salt. Boil as above. The saucepan used for cooking potatoes should be used for no other purpose.

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To serve twenty people one-half peck of potatoes is required.

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Potatoes should be well brushed and put on to boil in a saucepan of boiling water; they should continue boiling at the same degree of heat until they are done, when a fork will easily pierce them. This will take from twenty-five to thirty minutes. Drain, draw the saucepan to a low flame, place a clean cloth folded over the top of the saucepan and press the lid down over it. This dries the potatoes and makes them a good color. Hold the potatoes in a cloth and peel them, then reheat for one minute and serve. New potatoes, if well brushed or scraped do not require peeling.

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Potatoes are valuable articles of food and care should be taken in cooking them. The most economical method is to cook them in their "jackets" as there is not nearly as much waste of potato or of the salts that are valuable as food.

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Wash one pound of prunes or plums and put on to boil with one pound of brisket of beef or any fat meat; when the meat is tender add five medium-sized sweet potatoes which have been pared and cut in small pieces. Place the meat on top, add one-half cup of sugar and a piece of sour salt (citric acid). Cover and bake until nicely browned. If gravy should cook away add some warm water.

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Add two cups of hot, mashed Irish or sweet potatoes to bread stuffing. Mix well and stuff in goose, stuffed veal or lamb breast, or in beef casings, cleaned and dressed.

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Take a shoulder of mutton--must be young and tender--wash the meat well and dry with a clean towel. Rub well with salt, ginger and a speck of pepper, and dredge well with flour. Lay it in a covered roasting-pan. Put a few pieces of whole mace and a few slices of onion on top; pour a cup of water into the pan. Cover it up tight and set in a hot oven to roast, basting frequently. Allow twenty minutes to the pound for roasting mutton; it should be well done. Add more water if necessary (always add hot water so as not to stop the process of boiling), skim the gravy well and serve with currant or cranberry jelly. Pare potatoes of uniform size and wash and salt them about three-quarters of an hour before dinner. Lay the potatoes in pan around the roast and sprinkle them with salt and return to the oven to roast. Let them brown nicely.

This site contains information about potato recipes.


Press through a ricer sufficient hot baked sweet potatoes to measure one pint. Place over the fire. Add one teaspoon of butter or drippings, the beaten yolks of two eggs, pepper and salt to taste, and beat well with a fork until the mixture leaves the sides of the pan. Cool slightly, form into cones, roll in fine bread crumbs; dip in beaten eggs, roll again in crumbs and fry in hot oil or fat.

This site contains information about potato recipes.


Work into two cups of mashed potatoes, a tablespoon of melted butter, until smooth and soft; add one egg well-beaten and beat all together with a wooden spoon. Season with salt and nutmeg. Roll each in beaten egg then in bread crumbs, fry in hot oil or butter substitute. If desired chicken-fat may be substituted for the butter and the croquettes fried in deep fat or oil.

This site contains information about potato recipes.


Peel, wash and grate one large Irish potato, or two medium-sized ones. Put it in a sieve and let hot water run over it until it is perfectly white. Have the white of one egg beaten to a very stiff froth, then stir in the potatoes and twenty minutes before serving add it to the boiling soup. Beat the yolk of one egg up in the soup tureen, and pour the hot soup over it, stirring carefully at first.

This site contains information about potato recipes.


Boil and mash three or four potatoes, one tablespoon of butter, one-half tablespoon of flour, and one teaspoon of chopped onion, letting the onion cook in the butter a few minutes before adding the flour. When this is cooked add to it a pint of milk, making a thin, white sauce. Add this to the mashed potato and pass the whole through a strainer. Return it to the fire for a few minutes to heat and blend it. Season it with salt and pepper. Sprinkle on the soup chopped parsley and a few croutons. For Fleischig Soup.--This soup may be made with fat instead of butter, and the water in which the potatoes have been boiled may be used instead of the milk; any left-over meat gravy will give the soup a rich flavor.

This site contains information about potato recipes.

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